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CFS Primary Level Students Celebrate Recognition Day Program with Exemplary Performance

Taytay: Last June 27, 2023, from 8:00 in the morning until 11:30, students from grade one to grade five in all primary level schools gathered to celebrate their most rewarding accomplishment as learners during a Recognition Day program. The event was filled with excitement and pride as each advisor distributed certificates and announced the names of students who exhibited exemplary performance throughout the academic year.

The atmosphere was electrifying as the young achievers, with beaming smiles, walked up to the stage to receive their well-deserved recognition. The program served as a testament to the hard work and dedication exhibited by these diligent students.

Teachers, parents, and fellow students cheered for their peers, acknowledging their remarkable achievements. The Recognition Day program not only highlighted academic excellence but also recognized students who demonstrated exceptional behavior, leadership skills, and participation in various extracurricular activities.

This celebration of accomplishments instilled a sense of pride and motivation among the young learners, encouraging them to continue striving for excellence in their future endeavors. The event concluded with applause and appreciation for the students' outstanding efforts, marking it as a memorable day for everyone involved.


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