"If not for the poor, there is no meaning"
Manila: During the celebration, Fr. Luciano Squizzato reminded us the importance of the mission in the Philippines. He pointed out that the foundation was created to practice our spirituality and to serve the poor; our work will be nothing, our buildings and even our liturgies, if we do not live to serve the poor.
The Father recalled that this was the great desire of St. John Calabria by founding the Work.
Calabria wanted to live the Gospel in its radicalism, and that the Poor Servants should be "other Christs" among the people. Christ lived so that "everyone has life in abundance”. His life begins with the service to the people who do not have the minimum conditions of life.
The celebration was an opportunity to assess the PSDP’s mission in the Philippines whether our work are still evangelical and accorded to St. John Calabria’s ideals. If we are still serving the poorest of the poor.