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Monthly Vocation Meeting and World Day of Prayer for Vocations

Taytay- Rizal: on April 22, was the world day of prayer for vocations. According Pope Francis “The Fifty-Fifth World Day of Prayer for Vocations once again proclaims this good news to us, and in a decisive manner. We are not victims of chance or swept up in a series of unconnected events; on the contrary, our life and our presence in this world are the fruit of a divine vocation.” We are invited to pray for all vocations especially, let us pray for the Clergy and Consecrated person. Attending Pope’s invitation, last Sunday in San Lorenzo Ruiz parish in communion with the universal Church, we have prayed all together for vocations, and during each mass there was religious’ life testimony, given by sisters(PSDP), brothers(PSDP) and priest(PSDP); since the Holy Father was inviting us to promote and prayer especially for consecrated life, priesthood and permanent deacon. In the same day, took place in Calabria Formation School (CFS) our Monthly Vocation Meeting, in which, participated 35 youths. It was animated and guided by father Jeffrey (PSDP), who, has made the youth to reflect about the Three steps necessary to answer God’s calling: “listening, discerning and living”. Certainly, it was an especial day, illuminated by Pope Francis messenger, religious testimony and the Holy Spirit. May the Lord give faithfulness for those who already said “YES” and give courage for all those who are still discerning about their vocation and mission in the world.


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