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Institution to the Ministry of Acolytes, Profession of Faith, and Oath of Fidelity

Cagayan de Oro City: In the Eucharistic celebration of the assembly of the Calabrian Family last July 3, 2024 at Fr. Luigi Pedrollo Formation House Chapel, Br. Ardiomer Amabao, PSDP and Br. John Bosco Mutulu, PSDP were instituted to the Ministry of Acolytes.

The term, ‘acolyte’, comes from the Greek word, akolouthos, which means “server”, “follower”, or “companion.” According to the General Instruction of the Roman Missal (GIRM) 187-193, the function of the acolyte is to assist the deacon or the priest in liturgical celebrations especially in the Eucharistic liturgy. Among their tasks are to set up the altar and distribute Holy Communion.

Before having been instituted acolytes, they were first instituted to the Ministry of Lectors last year. These ministries that they received are essentially related to the priesthood as symbols that express the gradualness of their priestly formation.

On the other hand, Br. Keirstin Lamparas, PSDP had his Profession of Faith and Oath of Fidelity in the same Eucharistic celebration. In the absence of Fr. Massimiliano Parrella, PSDP, the Superior General of the PSDP Congregation, Rev. Fr. Marvin Tadena, PSDP, delegate superior of the Calabrians in the Philippines and Papua New Guinea, was legitimately delegated to receive this sacred and canonical act.

The Profession of Faith and Oath of Fidelity are very significant for those who are about to assume and exercise an office in the Church (cf. Canon Law no. 833). These canonical requirements rightly bind Br. Keirstin since he will be ordained to the Sacred Order of Deacons on July 9, 2024 at St. Augustine Cathedral, Cagayan de Oro City.

These steps are necessary prior to his diaconal ordination. By doing these, he made a public declaration of his faith and belief to all that the Catholic Church teaches. In addition, he too promised to be faithful to that teaching in his future ministry as a deacon.



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