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Calabrian Family Gathering and Outing

Cagayan de Oro City: After a two year hiatus, the Calabrian family in the Philippines was once again gathered at Fr. Luigi Pedrollo Formation House, Lumbia, Cagayan de Oro City for a one-day formation. Br. Lino Busi, PSDP and Fr. Miguel Tofful, PSDP served as their facilitators.

Their presentation was divided into three parts. In the first part, Br. Lino spoke mainly on the question: “As a Calabrian Family, who are you?” He highlighted that as a family, we are still work-in-progress. There are still a lot of things to do to be fully a Calabrian Family.

In the second part, Fr. Miguel also dwelt on another important question: “As Calabrian Family, who do you want to be?” He challenged the assembly to live out its identity as Calabrian Family. Or else without living our identity, our being a family means nothing.

In the last part of his presentation, Fr. Miguel reflected on the question: As Calabrian Family, where do you want to go?” He explained to the assembly how important it is to have a clear direction where we are going. It is because that as Calabrian family, God sets a direction of our journey and we need to accompany one another on that journey.

In the afternoon, the assembly was divided into five groups. Each group was given the task to illustrate and explain the reality of the Calabrian Family at present and the innumerable challenges that we are facing.

The next day, after a whole day of formation, the Calabrian Family went for an outing at Bolao Cold Spring, Tinagpoloan, Cagayan de Oro City.



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