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A Joint-Recollection"

Pangasinan: The Religious community of PSDP Brothers and Sisters in Taytay united for a joint-recollection at the Atal Family location in Surip, Bani Pangasinan. Rev. Fr. Ronaldo Eborde led the insightful session, delving into the book of Genesis. He reflected the root cause of Disobedience by Adam and Eve, highlighting the erosion of Trust. Additionally, he explored the aspect of Lord Jesus' efforts in restoring the fractured Trust. The spiritual exercise welcomed Fr. Caster Von, Fr. Marvin, Fr. Melchizedek, Fr. John Mark, Fr. Miller, Sr. Luciane, and Sr. Maria Jose. A meaningful reflection on faith and restoration marked the recollection, fostering a deeper sense of unity and understanding among the religious.



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