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CFS Teachers' Recollection

Taytay: Teachers of Calabrian Formation School (CFS) had their whole day annual recollection facilitated by Sr. Luciane de Cesaro, PSDP at CFS compound. The speaker meticulously contemplated and developed the theme "The Spirituality of the 'Calabrian Teachers'". She stressed in the first part of the talk on how one to be spiritual which is possible only when we are in tune with God, nature, each other and ourselves. Awareness plays an important role as a door to come into the room of spirituality. The second part of the talk gave highlight on the identity of the children in the mind of St. John Calabria that they are image and likeness of God and teachers are propitiously privileged and blessed to teach these children of God. With conviction and courage, she encouraged everyone to look up these children as are our boss who deserve to be served and respected. In the afternoon session, each one had given the chance to share a reflection from the topic and after which followed by the celebration of the Holy Mass with Fr. Randy as the presider and the postulants as the choir. At 4 o'clock the recollection was ended with everyone feel spiritually refreshed and refilled.


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