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Vocation Festival in Manila

Second Vocation Festival of the Ecclesiastical Province of Manila

“ Isang bokasyon, sa Eukaristiya Nagsasalo at Nagtitipon”

Manila: Last Saturday, Nov 21, at the Rogationist College - Cavite, members of various Religious Congregations and youth of many dioceses were gathered to celebrate the 2nd Vocation Festival of the Ecclesiastical Province of Manila. The objective of the event was to help the youth to have a vocational awareness and to meet the diverse charisms, activities and missions of each Congregation present there. There was a display of the Congregation in tents, formation, animation, songs, dance, prayer, sharing and the celebration of the Holy Mass at the culmination of the Program. The Calabrian Family was present with some religious, postulants, lay members of the Vocation ministry and youth from S. Lorenzo Ruiz Parish.


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